
Decorative Elements in Jewelry Cloisonee, Rhinest

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Cloisonne is an enameling technique used for jewelry making. Artists take a piece of metal, usually copper although bronze and silver are used as well, and then create separate areas called cloisons with thin metal wire. The small wire filigree cloisons are soldered to the base metal. They are then filled with enamel and the subjected to extreme heat to adhere the metal permanently to the enamel. The final product is polished smooth, creating a beautiful, shiny, multi-colored effect. Creating cloisonné jewelry takes steady hands and close attention to detail. The thin metal wire is used to made intricate designs and the enamel is carefully concocted with a mortar and pestle: fine powders are ground and purified to create vibrant colors to be place in the intricate wire designs. The enamel is poured into the cloisons with small droppers or tiny brushes.

Lampwork beads are glass beads formed with a torch. Artisans use the extreme heat to mold glass into the shape of their bead, add designs in different colors and shapes onto the beads, and then anneal the beads in a kiln. Adding detail to small beads is achieve through using a thin glass rod and a torch; this process is called flameworking. Annealing is the term for cooling the glass down slowly. This makes sure the beads are sturdy and durable. The entire process calls for attention to detail and no two beads are created the same. The ancient Egyptians melted glass to form beads 5000 years ago. The Romans were the first to use a kiln and blowpipes to add intricate designs to their glass beads. The title "lampwork" is derived from the use of oil lamp flames and blowpipes to heat glass. The advent of the blowtorch made creating glass beads much easier, faster, and safer. Italy popularized lampwork beads in the 13th. Today, many jewelers boast that they include Murano or Venetian beads in their jewelry designs. Today, creating lampwork beads is considered an art form. Artisans create glass beads one at a time. Retailers have also figured out a way to mass produce lampwork beads. Beads are cut in factories; however, even this industrial process doesn't eliminate the unique qualities or each individual bead. Lampwork beads are used to create beautiful necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. They come in vibrant colors and display exquisite, intricate glass patterns. They are strung with other lampwork beads or mixed and matched with metals, crystals, stones, or gold and silver beads.

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Cloisonne beads form vivid bracelets and necklaces. Cloisanne pendants make for eye-catching pieces. You can find cloisonné in cuff bracelets, earrings, barrettes, broaches, and pins. The process of cloisonné calls for each piece to be completely unique, each with an individual design and color scheme. The gemstone part of a true rhinestone is a form of rock crystal, which is a type of quartz. Rhinestones are quartz within a metal setting. The crystal is glued to a foil which is then in turn placed in a metal setting. The idea of the rhinestone was invented by a French jewelry name George Frederic Straw. He gave crystals a metal backing in order to ensure that the stone's reflective qualities were directed out of the front of the stone. Rhinestones are meant to be shiny baubles, worn to glam up any outfit. Rhinestones were a huge fashion trend in the 1940s.

If you want to purchase beaded jewelry designs and handmade beaded jewelry made of cloisonee, rhinestones and lampwork Beads, Delusha Retails is the right place for you.

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Cloisonne was first employed as an artistic process in ancient Egypt. The first examples of cloisonné were made from bronze and glass. These products date back to as late as 1800 BC. The Chinese used Cloisonne prolifically to embellish weapons, vases, and dishes. They often used gemstones like turquoise and jade as glazes to fill the cloisons. The height of cloissone production occurred during the Ming dynasty in the 15th century. Today, jewelers employ cloisonné to create beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Daniel Swarovski came up with a way to cut rock crystals to appear like beautiful gemstones, and rhinestones were suddenly able to be created in mass quantities. Rhinestones were popular as jewelry and also adorned evening gowns and headpieces. Vintage rhinestones can be quite expensive, ranging anywhere from $50-$1000. Today's rhinestones are most often made of acrylic, though some manufacturer's still use rock crystal. Glass can also be glued into a foil setting to create a rhinestone. Acrylic and glass rhinestones scratch easily, and should be treated with care to increase their lifespan. Rhinestones with rock crystal can actually yellow over time due to the adhesive that glues them to the foil; there is nothing to be done for them except to replace the rhinestone. Today, rhinestones are most commonly found in costume jewelry. Necklaces, bracelets, and even wedding tiaras boast shiny rhinestones. Rhinestones are a fun way to glitter and shine at a fraction of the price of diamonds.

The State And Scope of Luxury Retailing in India

By Sheng Feng on May 24, 2011 0 Gucci Women Wallets

Famous fashion Designer Gabrielle Coco Chanel (1883-1971) stated that luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends. Similar ideas were acknowledged by the famous economist Veblen (1899), in his book The Theory of the Leisure Class, who explains the concept of conspicuous consumption as the waste of money and/or resources by people to display a higher status than others. Luxury is concept related to status, ego and psychogenic needs; it is not necessary for survival. Luxury goods have always been associated with high quality, craftsmanship, uniqueness, creativity, exclusivity and innovation. Apart from these product attributes, the consumers also get the additional psychological benefits like esteem, prestige and a sense of a high status that reminds them and others that they belong to an exclusive group who can afford these expensive goods.

The overall sales of luxury goods in the year 2009 is expected to be more than US$150 billion and Asia contributes 10% to it. The concept of luxury is now not confined to only to Europe and US, the Asian subcontinent contributes majorly to it, with India and China as the newly emerging markets. Professor James Twitchell (2002) comments on the democratization of luxury and the changing consumer psychology These new customers for luxury are younger than clients of the old luxe used to be, they are far more numerous, they make their money far sooner, and they are far more flexible in financing and fickle in choice. They do not stay put. They now have money to burn. The competition for their attention is intense, and their consumption patterns-if you have not noticed- are changing life for the rest of us." Patrick Normand, managing director of Cartier (Middle East & South Asia), discusses the potential of Indian luxury market, The growth of India as a luxury products market, and its emerging potential is very obvious now especially as the economy is booming and there is a general positive sentiment towards global brands. According to the latest Asia-Pacific Wealth Report, there were an estimated 1, 23,cartier love ring rose gold price,000 millionaires at the end of 2007 in India, up 22.7 percent from the previous year; making it a huge potential market for the international luxury players. As per Forbes magazine (March, 2008), financial capital of India-Mumbai-ranked seventh among worlds top 10 cities where largest number of billionaires resides. Still luxury market is at a very nascent stage in India. As discussed in Luxurion World 2009 in Mumbai, the Indian Luxury Market is estimated to be to be USD 4.35 billion and this forms only 2% of the global share. For an Indian owning a luxury brand would mean accomplishment. According to a study by American Express, Inside the Affluent Space, Indian consumer has a desire to prove that Ive made it. He is an aspirer and for him luxury is a reward, which is a mindset very different from a European consumer for whom luxury is an experience.

India as a retail market is not uniform, especially when it comes to preference for luxury in terms of need fulfillment. Moreover, the market is not as mature as the European market where consumers seek fulfillment through experience. Few players have been able to fulfill the needs of the Indian luxury consumer. Since this segment of market remains untapped, huge potential lies in the same. Therefore, it becomes important to delineate the needs of the Indian consumer to target them better. To be successful in India as a retailer, it is necessary to gauge both, the financial potential as well as the mindset of the Indian luxury consumer. Localization of global luxury brands is essential to tap the huge potential of the diverse market. It requires understanding of luxury product market characteristics and developing the brands accordingly. This will help in bringing forth the right product offerings to the Indian consumer as well as targeting them better. Moreover, limited accessibility to luxury in India is a barrier to its growth and acceptability. There are several cities in India which have a huge potential for luxury which still remains untapped.

Luxury products are exclusive pieces of craftsmanship driving the aspirations of many but owned by a few. Luxury has different meanings for different people (Kate, 2009). To some consumers luxury goods provide a means to lifestyle, some adapt luxury to their lifestyle and there are still others who require these to make a statement of their wealth (Okonkwo, 2007). The perception varies with the maturity of the market and the exposure to which the consumers have been subjected.With the democratization of luxury in the 1990s (Kapferer & Bastien,2009) which broke out with the conglomeration of luxury initiated by Bernard Arnault, the construct of several luxury houses has changed to more organized corporate firms and their reach has crossed borders. A luxexplosion (Chadha & Husband, 2006) has hit Asia. Asian consumers account for as much as half of the global luxệ industry. Hong Kong boasts more Gucci and Hermes stores than New York or Paris. Chinas luxury market is growing with such gusto that it will single-handedly become the biggest by 2014. Even Indian luxury market which is still in its nascent stage, has 3-month waiting lists for exclusive pieces, while in Tokyo, the epicenter of the cult, 94% of women in their 20s own a Louis Vuitton bag.

India has a rich tradition of luxury. Addressed as the Golden Bird, India has experienced Maharajas and Nawabs who had refined tastes and were connoisseurs of luxury (Kapoor, 2010). Describing luxury as "balance, harmony and beauty of human race," French ambassador to India Jerome Bonnafont told the luxury summit, "because of lavish Indian weddings, media advertisements, maharajas and Bollywood stars, I feel the art of luxury is alive in India (Pandey Omkar, 2008). Jacques Cartier visited India in 1911 in pursuit of fine pearls. He also persuaded a number of Maharajas to reset their jewels using Cartier designs. The necklace,cartier love bracelet white gold forum, created for the erstwhile Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala by the House of Cartier in 1928 is one of the most expensive pieces of jewellery ever made (Chuganee Bhakti, 2010). Indians still have the concept of luxury connected to their lives; one would not fall short of instances, be it the luxurious Residence Antilla of Mukesh Ambani, or worlds most expensive tie by Satyapaul.

Luxury brands have their presence in the major cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Demographics of several other cities suggest huge potential for luxury retail. Okonkwo (2007) argues that India with a growing population of literates who have a high spending power woos most of the international luxury brands.

For customer-centric retailing of luxury goods in India, the understanding of cross cultural impact on global brands becomes essential which can be achieved through segmentation of markets appropriate to luxury goods. It considers issues such as income, affluence, wealth as well as psychographic approaches of individuals (Seringhaus, 2002). Purchasing habits, being a major part of the overall consumer behavior, are deeply affected by the prevailing cultures of the society in which consumers live (Belwal, 2009). Kotler and Armstrong (2008) state that consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics which must take into account for successful marketing. Subcultures that can be differentiated by nationalities, regions, religions, social beliefs and languages, and share identical values; play an important role in customer behavior, especially in their preferences for purchase. Likewise, other socio-demographic variables such as family income, age and life cycle stage, education, occupation, are also important (Belwal Rakesh & Shweta, 2009). The growing number of brands and the spurge in retail relates to consumer expectations up to a certain extent-which can be known by studying their behavior.

Luxury goods industry is quite different from regular goods in terms of market characteristics and behavior of consumers. Also the level of acceptance and understanding of luxury in different markets is different. India is in nascent stage of its development as a luxury retail market. Only a few cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore enjoy the presence of luxury culture thereby making the accessibility and visibility of these products quite low. There has been quite a lot of debate on the potential growth of luxury as a concept in India. While many experts see India as an upcoming market and the next China for luxury, there are others who think that the potential of the Indian market has been overrated and argue that since India is a developing country there is a little scope for conspicuous consumption. Several researches have been conducted on the luxury markets of Asia with special reference to China and Japan. But very less relevant research has been done with focus on the Indian market. The significance of Indian market in the international retail scenario is distinguished. Hence a comprehensive research on the potential of India as a luxury market is highly relevant.

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Advice to Choose Handmade Jewelry Necklaces Earrings Bracelets and Unique Rings to Accessorize

Everyone loves to wear unique handcrafted jewelry, but few know that the shape and style of the handcrafted jewelry you choose can actually work towards enhancing your appearance. Those of you who are tall and want to take attention away from your height want to opt for handcrafted necklaces that are short or resting on the collarbone. Choker necklaces work beautifully to make you look shorter.

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Much like clothing, unique handcrafted necklace styles can work towards changing the viewers perception of your height. If you are very short and want to give the perception that you are taller then you want to choose necklaces that are longer. Unique handcrafted necklaces that are V-shaped or Y-shaped can elongate your appearance. You want to pick necklaces that are longer but do not pass your waist. These shapes and lengths will make you appear taller.

A lot of times when you talk or when you are just sitting around your hands are up near your face so you want to pick your handmade bracelets and unique rings so that the compliment your face as well as your hands. You want to consider whether you are large boned or small boned when picking handcrafted bracelets. If you are petite then large chunky bangle bracelets might look awkward on you so delicate thin chain bracelets are the way to go. On the other hand if you're large boned or even medium-sized you might look best with wide cuff bracelets or a stack of bangle bracelets.

When picking unique rings you want to think about the shape of your fingers. If your fingers are short it then you want to choose smaller delicate rings as you do not want to emphasize the shortness of your fingers. Rings with an oval setting tend to look best. If you have long fingers then round settings and wide bands will probably look better on you.

Unique handmade earrings can work towards or against the shape of your face. Depending on the shape of your face, you can use particular handcrafted earring styles to emphasize or de-emphasize flaws in the shape. When we talk about face shapes we are referring to the basic shapes of round, rectangle, heart-shaped, oval, or square.

Those with an oval shaped face are the luckiest because they can wear pretty much any style and look good. If your face is round, you do not want to emphasize the fullness so you want to stay away from big button style earrings or hoops. Long dangle earrings for square shaped will help to elongate your face.

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Unique handcrafted necklaces can enhance the look of your shirt, sweater or dress by adding color, brightness and beauty. You can make your neck and upper body appear thinner by wearing certain types of necklaces. For example, if you have a solid colored shirt or dress with a rounded neckline wear a necklace of medium length that hangs in a V-shape. The V-shape will make the neckline appear narrow and will also draw attention away from the arms and shoulders. For a larger person with broad shoulders, this is a thrilling discovery! It is the easiest weight-loss program around!

Heart-shaped faces are thinner by the chin and so you want to wear handmade earrings that can widen out your chin such as triangular shapes or chandelier earrings that are wider at the bottom. If your face is long or rectangular shaped you do not want to wear longer dangle earrings as this will tend to elongate your face. Pick smaller stud earrings to match your face shape.

You can easily shop for beautiful handcrafted jewelry online saving time and money. Many unique handmade jewelry sites sell all types of unique jewelry, watches, unique gifts and even other fashion accessories. When ordering online, you can take your time to browse different sites and pick the handmade jewelry that you love the most.

When choosing necklaces you also want to think about the volume or chunkiness of the unique handcrafted necklace. A large boned or full figured gal will want a necklace that is bigger and bulkier. If you are petite, larger jewelry may not look right on you and you may want to pick something more delicate.

Albuquerque Jewelry - Loved By Many

There are some favorite Albuquerque jewelry collections that everybody loves and they include several popular jewelry designers like ELLE, Henri Bar & Company, Kwiat, Mastoloni, Nicole Barr and Pandora. When you consider some of the most popular Albuquerque jewelry choices, these are certainly the top designer collections for all ages.

ELLE jewelry collection is best known by the ELLE Magazine it is named for, but it is characterized by high polished sterling silver and the signature ruby logo, which is found on each piece, along with a variety of colorful gems. It is plated in rhodium to make it tarnish-resistant and many women love the shiny and chic looks that go well with any fashion, making it the jewelry Albuquerque women wear for many different occasions.

Henri Bar & Company features uniquely designed and artistically expressed diamond gemstone jewelry and when it comes to favorite Albuquerque jewelry collections, it is some of the most popular formal jewelry. The earrings, necklaces and bracelets are quite unique in their shapes and the clusters of small diamonds are found in a variety of designs. Occasionally, you will find pieces in the collection that feature other gemstones like emeralds, but the small diamond gemstones are still the primary part of many pieces.

Kwiat diamond jewelry has been around for almost a century and many of the larger diamond stones come with certifications. Superior craftsmanship and artistic designs characterize the entire collection, which focuses on precise diamond cuts to give the most brilliance to the pieces. When it comes to some of the favorite Albuquerque jewelry, Kwiat diamond jewelry is a popular choice for special occasions where you really want to shine.

Another collection of jewelry Albuquerque women love is Mastoloni. For those that love the finest cultured pearls, Mastoloni have been leading providers for more than 80 years. In fact, they were one of the first jewelers in North America to specialize in the cultured pearl market and through meticulous design and craftsmanship, their cultured pearl jewelry has grown in popularity and improved through three generations of the jewelry making family.

When you are looking for a little bit of whimsy, a favorite collection of Albuquerque jewelry is Nicole Barr. Each of the pieces feature things found in nature, including caterpillars, ladybugs on leaves, acorns and oak leaves or pansies, dragonflies and different kinds of flowers. Characterized by sterling silver and a stained glass appearance, Nicole Barr pieces are unique and distinctly noticeable, when you are in the mood for fun and color.

Another line of fun jewelry Albuquerque women love is Pandora, which offers charm bracelets, rings, necklaces, and earrings. The pieces in this collection include precious and semi-precious stones, individual personality and they utilize 14 K gold or sterling silver in a variety of pieces, but the charm bracelets and charms have become popular among the young and old alike.

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Access to luxury-Tanzanite

Get pleasures from extravagance of the Jewellery channel's fantastic Tanzanite Collection. We offer all kind of Tanzanite Jewellery. Tanzanite is a Gemstone synonymous to flawless elegance and independence.

Tiffany & Co. introduced this beautiful Blue Gem onto the market with a lovely name that pays tribute to the land of its birth. In October 2002 the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) included Tanzanite in the traditional list of birthstones. Since then Tanzanite is celebrated as Birthstone for the month of December along with zircon and turquoise, it is considered to be the best stone for Sagittarians and also it is the stone for 24th year of marriage.

Toughness: Poor Specific gravity: 3.35 Refractive Index: 1.691 to 1.70 RI Double Refraction: +0.009 Main sources: Tanzania Reaction to heat: Very poor, stone will fracture or break.

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Tanzanite's rich blue lavender color resembles that of a sapphire yet it has a strong stand in the minds of Jewellery and loose Gemstone admirers all over. Tanzanite's amazing Properties renders it a distinguished identity in the lush world of Gemstones. Excellent properties of Tanzanite are:

Hardness: 6.5 to 7 Mohs

The most remarkable characteristic of Tanzanite is that some of the stones include a Trichroic effect. A Gemstone possessing Trichroic effect can reflect three different colors at a time depending on the angle which you look at the stone. Tanzanite Gemstone is 1000 times rarer then Diamonds as it is mined only in Tanzania at the feet of the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. Jewellery studded with such rare and beautiful Gemstone is a must have.

Tanzanite looks stupendous in almost all type of Jewellery items. Fine cutting and polishing is what that brings fire to this alluring Gemstone. Since Tanzanite is a rare Gemstone hence its cutting is done with special care as just one crack can mark spot on its timeless beauty.

African culture sees Tanzanite as a gift from God. The Massai People of Africa believe that it is Gemstone that brings life and hence is given to a new born child. Folklore believes that Tanzanite inculcates confidence and enhances individuality. It was also thought to bring the revelations of the almighty. Tanzanite also possesses great healing properties. It helps in healing skin and also it is helpful in awakening people from comas.

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Blu-Ray 101

Blu-ray is an optical disc format used to store high-definition video as well as games. These discs are the next generation of DVDs delivering Full HD picture quality and because they look and feel like standard DVDs, they're just as easy to use. Perhaps most importantly, the menus are similar on both formats, and Blu-ray Players can playback your entire library of si *** er discs whether they are CD or DVD.

In summary, Blu-ray is the high definition replacement for DVD, and takes full advantage of the capabilities of HDTVs and the internet to deliver higher quality audio and video with better content, more features, and greater convenience.

A Broadband (Cable or DSL) Internet Connection

In general, you will see a big benefit in picture quality if you are watching Blu-ray on any HDTV. The one thing you'll want to ensure if you are buying a Blu-ray player for a slightly older HDTV is that your player and TV have matching connections.

Blu-ray has taken the home surround sound capabilities first heard and felt from DVD to another level. Its high capacity format allows for more depth of sound and better support for additional speakers. Some of the new surround sound formats supported on Blu-ray, such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio, are basically identical to the original sound sent to theaters. So the only limitation on the sound quality is your home theater system or TV. And with home theater systems now available in every size and price range, it's easier than ever to upgrade your equipment and get a more theatrical experience at home.

If you don't have an HDMI input on your HDTV, a component input is an older option which can still provide excellent HD quality from your player. Component video connections use three round cables with red, blue, and green ends next to each other. Any HDTV without HDMI has one or more component inputs. If you need to use a component connection with your TV, make sure that the Blu-ray player you buy has a component output (some newer Blu-ray players don't).

Even though they are the same size and shape as DVDs, everything about Blu-ray discs has been redesigned:

•Newer laser technology for greater capacity - Blu-ray uses blue lasers, which have a narrower beam than the red lasers in DVDs, giving them up to five times the capacity of DVDs in the same sized disc. •Different materials - Blu-ray discs are made of a harder, much more scratch resistant plastic for better reliability. •More advanced video compression - the information stored on Blu-ray discs uses the latest video compression, packing more information into the same space without noise or video artifacts in the picture.

Blu-ray discs produce the best possible picture quality for an HDTV-even better than HD cable or satellite broadcasts. They have up to seven times the resolution of DVD. Simply put, everything looks sharper-details such as skin and hair, patterns on clothing and even faces of people in the background can appear razor sharp. Also, Blu-ray discs provide far more accurate color which creates richer, more lifelike pictures that feel almost three-dimensional (even without 3D technology).

As mentioned above, the latest Blu-ray players are designed to take advantage of the internet, with special internet-connected features on certain discs, and support of video streaming and other apps. Beyond those features, Blu-ray discs featuring new software or features sometimes require players to update themse *** es over the internet. If your cable or DSL modem is not near your TV to make a cable connection convenient, look for Blu-ray players with built in Wi-Fi, which can connect to your home wireless network with a minimum of effort.

How it Works

What You Need

Apps: Go Beyond the Disc

Better Sound

Special Features

What is Blu-ray?

The Next Generation has Arrived

Better Picture

Blu-ray and HDTVs were literally designed for each other. The best and easiest way to connect a Blu-ray player to a TV is using an HDMI connection, which provides the highest quality signal over a single cable with a flat end. All Blu-ray players have HDMI outputs and all newer HDTVs have HDMI inputs.

Newer Blu-ray players connect to the internet to go beyond the contents of Blu-ray discs and support Apps for streaming video on demand from the internet such as Netflix, Blockbuster, and Hulu.

TV with HDMI or Component Input

Other types of supported apps include customized internet radio from Pandora, news and weather apps from sources such as AccuWeather and the BBC. Support for applications depends on the make and model of the Blu-ray player, but apps are quickly becoming a standard feature that can bring great convenience and selection to the content at your fingertips.

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Although we've come to expect video extras such as commentary and "making of" content from DVDs, select Blu-ray players offer innovative new features that help the studios get us into their shows and movies in entirely new ways-like extra audio tracks and video overlays with additional content that is relevant to what is on the screen.

If you own or are shopping for an HDTV, consider that a new Blu-ray player will let you experience the best picture and sound quality available, the best special features and the convenience of internet-based streaming video.

Every few years a new technology dramatically changes the way we experience home entertainment. DVDs brought us significantly better picture and sound than VHS tapes, as well as scene by scene access and extras like director commentary-all in a durable, easy to store format. Now, with the popularity of High Definition Televisions (HDTVs), Blu-ray players and discs are delivering another wave of innovation in home entertainment.